Silent Night - Week 2
Week 2 Recap:
Believing in the Probable: Lessons from Mary's Faith
In the Gospel of Luke, we are presented with an extraordinary account of faith and the miraculous, centered around the life and birth of Jesus. Luke, the meticulous historian, details the events surrounding Jesus' arrival on Earth, drawing on prophecies from the Old Testament to emphasize the significance of these occurrences. One key aspect that stands out is the theme of the impossible becoming probable through faith.
The Improbable Prophecy:
The narrative takes us back to the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14, a verse that foretells a virgin conceiving and giving birth to a son, named Emmanuel, meaning "God with us." The very idea of a virgin birth may seem inconceivable, even irrational, prompting us to question its feasibility. Yet, this improbable prophecy is echoed in Isaiah 9:6, proclaiming the arrival of a child who will carry the weight of the government on his shoulders, being the wonderful counselor, mighty God, eternal Father, and Prince of Peace.
The Silence and Frustration:
Luke highlights a crucial period of 400 years of silence from God after the last prophet, Malachi. During this time, frustration and forgetfulness crept in among the people. Some turned to their interpretations while waiting for the promised Messiah.
The Chosen Vessel - Mary:
In this context, God's plan unfolds uniquely. Instead of imposing His will from the outside, God chooses to work through humanity. Mary, an ordinary woman, is selected as the vessel through whom the impossible will become probable. The Holy Spirit rests upon Mary, and she is tasked with giving birth to the Son of God. A task so inconceivable that even Mary questions, "How can this be?"
Faith in the Face of Impossibility:
The essence of faith lies in believing in the unseen and embracing the improbable as probable. The challenge for believers is to shift from seeing things as impossible to viewing them as probable when aligned with God's will. The announcement to Mary exemplifies this, as she moves from incredulity to acceptance, saying, "I am the Lord's servant. May it happen to me as you have said."
The Power of Testimonies:
The narrative extends beyond Mary to the power of sharing testimonies within the community. Instances where God has intervened in seemingly impossible situations can inspire and motivate others facing similar challenges. The divide between those who share their stories and those who remain silent creates a gap that God intends to fill through the unity of believers.
As we reflect on Mary's journey, we are prompted to examine our own faith. Do we truly believe that the impossible can become probable through God? The challenge is not merely to proclaim this belief but to act on it. How will we use our resources, time, and energy to demonstrate our faith? Like Mary, let us step out in faith, embracing the probable, and trust that with God, nothing is impossible.
You may also view the week 2 condensed message: Week 2 - Highlight